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The Magic of Fear


If you fear it, if you resist it, you're probably meant for it.

I've always known this, and have had no shortage of courage in this life. But this past weekend, a friend reminded me of it.

Spirit has been pushing me, and I've been pushing back. Out of fear. Creating stories of all the reasons why not.

Sometimes taking a next step can feel like a huge leap that we aren't ready for. But we're never given anything that we're not ready for.

Instead of pushing back from our edges, we can lean into them with softness and curiosity, gently inviting ourselves to expand. Allowing the divine loving flow of the universe to step in and show us the way.

It doesn't mean it's always going to be easy. It doesn't mean that we won't have to work hard, exercising a great deal of commitment and dedication. We may cry, kick, and scream at points along the way. We may need our support team to cheerlead and motivate us on the days that we want to quit.

But day by day, step by step, we keep going. And eventually we end up standing on the other side of our fear, our edges nowhere in sight, overflowing with joy, love, gratitude, and a sense of accomplishment and pride in what we have just overcome.

And that is always a worthwhile journey. Always.

May we all point ourselves in the direction of fear and resistance and enjoy the magical ride.


(c) 2024 Wild Woods Wellness

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