It was a wintery fall day. Only days past the Equinox, on the heels of the Aries Full Moon.
The sky was moving at a rapid pace, swirling and constantly changing, shape-shifting the glacial landscape. Light and dark, hidden and open, warm and cold. All seasons. All elements. An incredible gateway of activation.
It was here that I stood, on this land, when I heard it.
“You were a frequency collector. And you still are.”
With profound curiosity, I leaned in deeper and inquired. “What does that mean?”
As I got quiet and tuned in, the channel opened and I understood.
In other lives, other points of space and time, frequency collectors played vital roles in their communities. You see, not everyone could travel. Some were not physically able. Others simply did not want to, as they had gardens to tend, potions to make, and other kinds of magic to weave.
The frequency collectors were called in various ways to be travelers of the lands, to attend to specific points on the earth. They did not need books or gurus or Instagram to guide them. They simply heard, felt, and knew where they needed to go.
They didn’t always understand why. They didn’t always have the words to describe the frequency that they were collecting. Sometimes they just knew that it was to be collected, and that it was to be shared.
Because all benefit from the frequency. The activation that comes from that specific point in space and time, whether one physically stood there or not.
Like this land.
This place.
Where the Valleys of the Animals and Ancestors merge.
Where the Key of Isis sits so royally, and the sun so perfectly shines through to reveal the Throne of Osiris.
A place where worlds merge and dimensions activate.
I have done this for so many years. So many lives.
Gather the frequency.
Absorb it.
Fully activate and embody it.
And share it. Far and wide.
Share it with anyone who is willing to receive it, in whatever way that they need to receive it.
And within this space, I heard the guidance:
“Keep collecting. Keep sharing. This is a part of your destiny, your dharma. Sacred keepers and collectors of the lands. There once was a world where this was so deeply valued, and that world is rising again.”